Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Some Correspondence

From E: Hey!

Just saw your clips - great stuff. I've been struggling to get a grip on the high-larynx low-larynx thing, but finally I'm getting there.

One short question though, how does "chestvoice - mixed voice - headvoice" relate to high and low (or mid) larynx?
And how is this connected to range?

And is the "bridge" when the larynx goes from high to low - and you reach another octave?

Thanks again for great tips!

Musiciano's Response:

Hello E,

I am glad you are enjoying the clips. There is no relationship between high/low larynx and head/mix/chest voice.

The bridge has nothing to do with the height of the larynx.

The sooner you stop thinking about things this way, the better.

The reason why we don't want to raise the larynx is because we don't really NEED to in order to sing through the bridge. In fact, the voice works much better when we don't. Keep your larynx in a neutral position and learn to allow all the pitches within your range to unfold from there. Then you can play with larynx height. A neutral larynx means muscular freedom and independence (breaking the relationship you ask about) and that's the goal of efficient vocal development.

The less you need to do in order to get the most you want is the best direction to go in. Doing less inside the throat in order to sing is the quickest way to get more. More is not better, less is more.

Warm regards,



From D: Hello!!

I've been following your channel on youtube. Just would like to give some feedback
and say how thankful I am for the wonderful tips, exercises and peace! they've been great.

I've spent several years skipping over the basics of singing and grew frustrated as I didn't achieve the singing I would like to.

Right now, I've put myself in a strickt (and fun) regime where I am focusing on
building a strong and solid foundation. I so identify with what you called silent foundation.
I realized several problems I have are due to tension, especially in tongue and abdominal muscles. Your videos for neck,jaw and tongue release are doing wonderful things here.

A quick question, if I may, in my inhale I still hear some noise, as the air rushes in.

Is there any specific exercise you would recommend to avoid that?

Best regards,

Musiciano's Response:

Hi D!

I'm glad the videos have been helpful. Thanks for the positive feedback, I appreciate it.

To work on a silent inhale, cover both of your ears and inhale deeply in a way in which you can't hear a thing. It should be totally silent. Inhale deeply and then exhale slowly while covering both of your ears - no sound or tight feeling.

Do this until you get used to it and it should train your body to inhale in a relaxed and silent way.

Let me know how it works for you.



From F: hi musiciano, alright so it seems that both of us can't be on in the same time, anyway i'm following your vocal routine, i'm doing the ''low larynx'' exercise, not sure if i'm doing it right,here's a vid and tell me if i'm doing it right or wrong

why my voice keep breaking to falsetto? is it because my vocal range is low?
so if i practice the low larynx everyday, would i able to produce great voice?

Musiciano's Response:

Hi there,

I know this response is late, but I just got a chance to review your videos.

Your voice breaks into falsetto because you are using too much force on the lower end of your voice. You can make the same low sounds with 1/10th of the effort you are using now.

Just practicing the low larynx everyday will not be enough to produce a great voice. That would be great, but it is a fantasy.

My guess is that you would greatly benefit from guidance from a professional who once was where you are now and now is where you would like to be in the future. Those are the best teachers.

I once was where you are now yearning to be where you would like to be, but that will take a great deal of time, devotion and patience. It will also cost you some money -- like it cost me.

You see, getting a great voice is about a lot more than just wanting it - it's about never giving up and doing whatever needs to be done to discover it. It's about action, about experience more than it is about thought. So the answer is to work at it and vocalize. A teacher can save you a lot of time - if you can get one.




From M:
Hey, thx for the videos! learned a lot from u. :) i have a few question. Before, i cant sing without trying hard. Now, im following your teaching it felt more relax but the problem is i cant sing loud and i keep on cracking if i tried to sing higher. My question is:

1) Will i get to sing higher when i just allow it to crack(i tried really hard to relax) ?
2) Can you explain to me how vibrato occurs? i really like your explanation on how vocals work. hope u you will do a video on that too.
3) Will my singing improve when i just allow it to crack?

looking forward for your answers. :)

Musiciano's Response:

Hello M,

Thanks for your good questions.

To sing higher you need develop flexibility within your larynx, how? By vocalizing at low volumes throughout your range regardless of sound quality. The more you lightly and thoroughly exercise your voice, the more flexible it will get and you will gradually expand your range. It usually takes a great deal of time. That's the TRUTH of it.

Vibrato occurs when everything is relaxed and functioning naturally. There is no such thing as absolute consistency anywhere in the universe, everything vibrates and wavers, vibrato happens when things are functioning naturally and the wavering of the pitch is an indication that you are not forcing your singing to be something manufactured.

It depends on a lot of things, if you're ALLOWING it to crack, and not making it crack, you will become familiar with where things go off balance and will be able to make the minute adjustments to correct the cracks. Cracking is due to imbalance... not that there is anything wrong with imbalance and if you didn't have any, you wouldn't be writing me... we all have imbalance, we just have to seek to get as balanced as possible.

The solution to all your questions is vocalizing... warming up and doing the vocalization routines and doing the PHYSICAL and actual work. You have to get physical and explore your voice... if you just sit there and ask questions, nothing will change. Learning to sing is all about EXPLORING and to do that you have to get physical! Singing is a physical activity, not an intellectual one.

That said, let me know if I can be of any further help... even if all you have is a million other questions. ; )


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